Thursday, September 25, 2014

Training Day

If you have watched the Denzel Washington's Training day the movie, you could have a picture of what I want to talk about!
Nothing physical and on the road like Mr Washington's training day, Our training day was on Internet Journalism, happening at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication of the university of Dar es Salaam hosted by Peik Johansson from the Finnish Foundation for Media and Development.
The training was very participatory, in which I so liked. We kinda learned in a more relaxed but focused manner which easy our understanding.
Nothing was totally new but I was amazed on how you can easily get information on internet users and also learn how fast the internet usage in Tanzania has grown in the past five years.
We learn how to open blog and I as one of the participant I opened this one. We have second training, will come back to this later on an tell you more on the training 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014